
To The Rescue (2018)

A dog shelter simulator that helps real shelters. Estimated to be out on PC late 2019.

As the sole volunteer for your local dog shelter, you have a lot of work to do! You have to take care of as many dogs as you can so that they might find forever homes. Upgrade your shelter, manage your funds, take care of disease outbreaks, feed, clean, and play with dogs in order to keep the shelter up-and-running. There are always more dogs coming in. Will you be able to find them homes?

Natural Pressure (2017)

A girl leaves her childhood home hoping to find something better, but she can't seem to escape her roots.

Nina Fish is from a rural town in the Ozark mountains. She eventually realizes that she isn't interested in the lifestyle of her parents and once-close brother. So, she moves to a nearby city, grows increasingly disconnected from her family, and becomes absorbed in her day job. However, she hasn't found the sort of fulfillment she was hoping for. An unexpected visit from her brother causes her to come to terms with the two forces pulling on her - one from happiness, and one from home.

Natural Pressure is an interactive hypertext story created in Twine as part of a William G. Cooper Jr. Honors Project in English. ​

American Dream (2016)

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Luca Sullivan just got a new job as an intern at Warrington Manufacturing. At her job, she spends much of her time answering emails and engaging with increasingly frustrating co-workers. But since she started working there, she has begun to have strange, surreal dreams in a world that she doesn't understand. There, she must overcome the stressors and obstacles that she encounters during the day by fighting her way out.

American Dream ​was a project developed as an experiment in Unity over the course of two semesters at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. I programmed the night level functionality, did almost all of the writing, and led the team.

Pretend You Love Each Other (2018)

Under orders to win the game, a pair of space mercs have to act married.

My co-pilot and I did lots of crazy contracts in our time, but this one took the cake. We entered into the Affection Connection game show on Loth in order to get the cash for our boss. One problem was that we weren't actually married, so the boss had to forge us some new identities. Another was that the other team was actually in love.

Created for SubQ Love Jam 2018. Word count: 1,589. Estimated without code: 990.

Chromaticity (2018)

You are a HUE-GO model android. You heard the voice, and so did the others.

Chromaticity is a short narrative cyberpunk(ish) game with many beginnings and just one ending. Colors are transmittable among HUE-GOs. Your color palette determines your HUE-GO archetype, but, being of a highly empathetic design, it can change. Find the source of a new, compelling signal that sends you on an irresistible pilgrimage.

Created for Global Game Jam 2018. Three paths were implemented during the time limit.

Secret of the Forest (2016)

In Secret of the Forest, you are a lonesome hermit trying to live peacefully in your cabin in the woods. In order to survive, you must Hunt and Gather from the woods for food.

Beware: you are not alone. Every action you take is being watched. The spirits might not like what they see. ​

Secret of the Forest is 2D survival game that forces the player to appease the spirits of the forest that they inhabit. The game was created in 5 days for the A Game By Its Cover 2016 game jam using Unity. I designed and programmed the game.

Beast of Balka (2016)

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Beast of Balka is a fast-paced abstract strategy board game that challenges each player to outwit their opponent, taking into account positioning as well as probability to emerge victorious. However, destroying your enemy is not your goal: simply an obstacle to it.

Each player takes turns traversing the forest, honing in on their prey and trying to hinder one another. The more each hunting party encounters danger, the more bloodthirsty they become; but they must face ambushes, misdirection, and - worst of all - stampeding beasts!

There was a Kickstarter campaign for Beast of Balka in 2016. I did the entirety of the the design, marketing, and technical writing for the game, as well as some of the graphic design.

Public Health Training Simulation (2017-2019)

A educational game designed with the purpose of teaching public health workers the skills and knowledge necessary to do research for and conduct a public health initiative. In the simulation, the player is given the task to first determine what health issue is most important to the community, then to implement programs to create positive change.

The sim is being created primarily in Unity. My responsibilities consist of designing and implementing the narrative structure of the game using ChatMapper and Luae, as well as generating dialogue and research content.

Under the Mango Tree (2016)

A girl in the woods gets curious about her strange neighbor. And, after stealing her dad's binoculars, she watches.

A short, surreal, magical-realist story written as a stylistic imitation of Lewis Nordan's "Sugar Among the Chickens."