About Me

Hi! I'm Olivia, a game writer, programmer, and designer from Little Rock, Arkansas. I have degrees in English and computer science with a game design emphasis from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and am currently pursuing a master's degree in interdisciplinary studies.

I love games. They've always been there to keep me company when the sticks and rocks of Newton County couldn't. I grew up wanting to be a writer, and eventually I found out that I could combine my interests and my passions to make games. Whenever I'm not thinking about them, I'm either playing them or dreaming up stories that I can use them to tell. I am particularly interested in the possibilities of narrative interactivity unique to digital media.

I currently write, design, program, and do other miscellany for Little Rock Games. I've dabbled in podcasting, appearing on The Boomburst and Technical Disaster as well as regularly appearing on the Little Rock Games Game-Of-The-Month Club. I'm also part of the growing Little Rock Game Designer's Roundup, and a member of UA Little Rock's William G. Cooper Jr. Honors Program in English.

Some things I love: Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy X, ACE Team, Yeasayer, Don Bluth and Wes Anderson films, weird art, weirder games, Tanner Marshall, my dog, and my fish.